Kelly Sewell Nagel '00
W&L Engagement
- 250th Gala (Steering Committee)
- Freshman Orientation Committee
- Kappa Delta
- L.I.F.E. Health Council (President)
- Mock Convention (Steering Committee, Controller, State Delegate)
- Student Recruitment Committee (Vice Chair)
- W&L Dance Team
- White Book Review Committee
- Young Life
- Alumni Admissions Program, Chair (2001 - 2007), member (2000 - present)
- Annual Fund, Class Agent (2013 - 2018)
- Real Estate Forum Steering Committee, Chair (2017 - 2018), member (2015 - 2017)
- Reunion Committee, Member (15th, 20th)
- Williams School Advisory Board, Chair (2023 - 2024), member (2018 - 2024)
Why do you want to be a trustee?
I have an abiding love for Washington & Lee. It started in 1995 when I was a high school junior visiting colleges and I’ve never looked back. W&L gave me a great foundation upon which to build my career, which eventually led me to business school and a career in commercial real estate. My real estate career has really allowed me to connect back with my alma mater in a meaningful way through the C-school.
The liberal arts education model provides a tremendous foundation for real world success. Liberal arts education is not just about being well-read in a variety of subjects. In a world where efficiency and automation are ever more important, the skills that truly differentiate talent are the ability to think critically and analytically, communicate effectively, problem-solve creatively, and having a strong sense of community awareness. W&L provides this and we must ensure that we effectively reach and engage the next generation of students. The liberal arts method of education is not obsolete or only for the privileged students who can afford four years of tuition to “find themselves.”
I am an alumna who champions this model and I see the practical application and benefits every day in my business and on my teams. I appreciate and value a liberal arts education: I hire the graduates, and I know the school is continuing to evolve to meet the challenges of the day.
Describe the experience and perspective you bring.
I’m passionate about listening and considering others’ perspectives and building community. I have decades of business experience, so I bring a pragmatic realism to my recommendations, as well. The University has an important and ambitious agenda and it’s more important than ever to ensure that the Board of Trustees is comprised of representative voices – particularly those who are currently underrepresented in that decision-making body.
There is a huge focus on diversity in the strategic plan - that work is well underway. I have long supported and championed diversity efforts in other areas/professional organizations and I bring experience and passion to W&L for these initiatives. I’ve worked closely with Dean Straughan on diversifying the William School Advisory Board over the past few years; the conversations are richer, and the Advisory Board is more effective because of the commitment and concerted efforts to bring more varied perspectives to the table.
I am already a champion of Washington & Lee. I am actively involved with activities on campus, current students, and alumni. I know how the school’s initiatives are being received by a wide variety of stakeholders. The Board of Trustees is different from a corporate board and even other nonprofit boards – it’s not just about shareholders and not just about current students. We have a stewardship responsibility to continue the legacy – to ensure W&L evolves and exists for my children and grandchildren and beyond. A Trustee’s job is to be mindful of the future.
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